Affirmations by Che Garman
By refusing failure, I gain the strength and determination to keep going.
Every challenge I face fires my inner resolve.
Every day I am more determined than ever to realize my goals.
Every day I push myself a little further.
Every moment of every day I am becoming more and more determined to succeed.
I accomplish everything I set out to do.
I adamantly resolve to persist until I succeed.
I always strive to give every task my best effort.
I am a survivor.
I am determined enough and strong enough to overcome all my past negative programming.
I am determined to accomplish all my goals.
I am determined to achieve great things.
I am determined to be successful in all that I do.
I am determined to go further each day.
I am determined to make my dream a reality.
I am driven towards realizing my dream.
I am going for the gold!
I am in control of my life.
I am persistent in my thoughts and actions.
I am prepared to do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, to reach my goal!
I am ready for anything that comes my way.
I am totally committed to improving my life.
I am totally empowered in all that I do.
I am unstoppable!
I am very focused and persistent.
I am willing to do whatever it takes to realize my dream.
I apply great fortitude and determination to all that I do.
I approach all tasks with smiling determination.
I back my desires with a definite determination and purpose to create them in reality.
I back my goals and desires with powerful determination and purpose.
I believe that anything is possible if I set my mind to it.
I call the shots in my life.
I constantly and passionately work towards my goals.
I demand the very best from myself.
I diligently persist until my goals become reality.
I employ great determination and purpose to fulfill my heart’s desires.
I face all barriers with great determination and mental clarity.
I face each day with devote determination.
I go the extra mile!
I greet obstacles with patient determination.
I have all the necessary power to do all I want to do.
I have all the resolve I need to realize my goals.
I have great resolve in all that I do.
I have great stamina and resolve in all that I do.
I have the fortitude and drive necessary to succeed.
I have the strength and determination to get to where I want to be.
I have the talent, the fortitude, and the desire to win.
I have the will, strength and desire to continue working toward my goals.
I have the willpower and perseverance to overcome all obstacles.
I have unshakable determination to realize my goals.
I have unwavering resolve and perseverance.
I hold steadily to my visions with purpose and intent.
I keep going when the going gets tough.
I know how to make things happen.
I know I will find a way.
I know that I have the fortitude to make my dreams come true.
I know that if I apply myself and persist, I CAN do it!
I know that it is always too soon to quit.
I know that the only way to overcome is to persist.
I know what I want and have the will and energy to achieve it.
I never let other people’s reality get in the way of my dreams.
I patiently and steadily work towards my goal.
I persevere in the direction of my dream.
I persevere with optimism and enthusiasm.
I persist and persevere – no matter what.
I persist and persist until I succeed.
I persist in the direction of my dream.
I persist in the face of challenges.
I persist until I succeed.
I press on towards my goals, no matter what.
I press on until I reach my goal.
I press on until my task is accomplished.
I put my very best into effort into all that I do.
I relentlessly pursue my goals and aspirations.
I relentlessly work towards my dream.
I strive to perform my best under all circumstances.
I turn worry and fear into great resolve.
It is my greatest desire to live each and every day with unlimited determination.
I’m willing to do whatever it takes to be happy and successful.
Life’s hiccups only make my determination stronger.
My determination drives me forward at all times.
My determination is always stronger than any problem I encounter.
My determination is powerful.
My determination to achieve fills me with feelings of liberation.
My determination to succeed is relentless.
My determination to succeed is stronger than ever.
My drive and determination is relentless.
My great resolve is constantly moving me closer to my dreams.
My mind is firmly fixed on achieving my heart’s desire.
My steadfast determination helps me to overcome all obstacles in my life.
My unwavering determination keeps me going through thick and thin.
My unwavering determination supports all that I do.
Nothing can deter me from attaining my goals.
Nothing can stand in the way of my achieving my heart’s desire.
Nothing can stop me from achieving my goals.
Nothing can stop me from reaching my goals.
Nothing can stop me now!
Persistence is a habit that I nurture every day.
The more I exercise my resolve, the stronger it becomes.
Today I am determined to…
Today I am finally going to...
Today I am willing to do whatever it takes to...
Today I bless my being with limitless determination.
With every breath I take, I am bringing greater and greater resolve into my life.
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