COMMITMENT Affirmations

COMMITMENT Affirmations

Affirmations by

Absolutely nothing can stop me from realizing my dreams.

All my desires are committed to memory.

All my goals are carved in stone.

All of my actions support my intentions.

As I proclaim my intention, my life unfolds accordingly.

Daily commitment to my goals makes every day more successful.

Every activity I perform is in accordance with the commitment to my goals.

Every day I affirm my commitment to work towards my dreams.

Every day I am more and more committed to my goals.

Every day I review my goals and reaffirm my commitment to achieving them.

Just one screenshot from over 2450 pages in the Affirm Your Life App!

Every day, I reassert my commitment to create my perfect reality.

Every day, without fail, I move closer to my goals.

Every moment of every day I am becoming more and more committed to my life.

Every one of my goals is committed to memory.

Everything I do supports my desires for the future.

I always finish the tasks I begin.

I always finish what I start.

I always keep my goals at the forefront of my mind.

I am 100% willing to do my absolute best at all times.

I am always true to the commitments I make.

I am ardently committed to achieving my heart’s desire.

I am committed to becoming the best I can be.

I am committed to living my life passionately and purposefully.

I am committed to making positive changes in my life.

I am committed to my dreams at all times.

I am committed to putting 100% effort into my goals.

I am completely dedicated to doing everything it takes to reach my highest potential.

I am completely dedicated to realizing and living my life purpose.

I am deeply committed to achieving greatness in my life.

I am deeply committed to attaining the life of my dreams.

I am deeply committed to creating my ideal life.

I am passionate about everything I do.

I am passionate about the life I am creating.

I am passionate about what I do.

I am passionately committed to achieving my dreams.

I am purposeful and committed at all times.

I am ready to recreate my life as I desire it to be.

I am totally committed to creating my perfect reality.

I am totally dedicated to doing all I can do to realize my goals.

I am totally passionate about attaining my goals.

I am true to my word.

I am willing and able to do anything it takes to succeed in life.

I am willing to do whatever it takes to be happy and successful.

I back all my commitments with purposeful action.

I commit myself 100% to attaining my goals.

I commit myself 100% to improving my life.

I commit myself to the daily pursuit of my dreams.

I complete everything I set out to do.

I dare to put my mind, emotions and actions to work for what I want in my life.

I dedicate every day towards creating my perfect life.

I demonstrate my commitment through my actions.

I empower my life by being totally committed to improving it.

I express my resolute commitment to my goals by the actions I take every day.

I have a burning desire to succeed in life.

I have a burning desire within me to manifest my dreams.

Just one screenshot from over 1700 pages in the Fit-Inspired Woman App!

I have a great conviction to realize all the good things life has to offer.

I have committed to all my goals in writing.

I have the commitment and focus to reach my goals.

I have unlimited passion for what I do.

I honor all my commitments to myself and others.

I honor all my intentions by acting on them daily.

I invest time, energy and passion towards creating my perfect reality.

I know my life purpose, and commit to living it daily.

I know that success starts right here, right now.

I know what I want in life, and I am dedicated to achieving it.

I work towards my dream at all times.

I mentally proclaim my intentions throughout the day.

I only commit to tasks which I am prepared to complete.

I own the feeling of attaining my goals.

I pledge to always live my purpose.

I pledge to live my purpose at all times.

I pledge to work towards my goals every day.

I promise to do everything it takes to realize what I want in life.

I promise to pursue my dreams at every opportunity.

I remain true to my vision always.

I stick to my goals like glue.

I strive for excellence in all that I do.

I take total responsibility for my life.

I uphold my personal commitments every day.

I use my time and energy to go after my dream.

I vow to use every day as an opportunity to improve my life.

It is my firm intention to live the life of my dreams.

It is my intention to make keep every promise I make, both to myself and others.

It is my intention to make my world the best it can possibly be.

It is my intention to make today my best day of my life.

It is my resolute intention to manifest all of my desires.

It is my resolute intention to persist until I succeed.

My commitment to my life goals is unwavering.

My intention is absolute.

My word is my commitment. I always keep my word.

There is nothing that can stop me from pursuing my dreams.

Today I commit 30 minutes to...

Today I commit myself to bringing my goals closer to reality.

Today I make a promise to myself to start working towards my dream life.

Today I make a resolute commitment to move forward in my life.

Today I promise to do the best I can in everything I do.

Today I take control of my life.

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