Affirmations by Che Garman
All is well in my world.
All my life experiences are enriching and rewarding.
Being optimistic is one of the top priorities in my life, and I practice this
feeling every day.
Being optimistic means that I am my own best friend.
Choosing optimistic thoughts fills me with renewed determination.
Every day brings me exciting new challenges and experiences.
Every day greets me with new miracles.
Each day I feel more positive about myself and my future.
Every day my mood is lighter and brighter.
Every day the quality of my life improves.
Every moment of every day I am becoming more and more optimistic.
Everything is well and good in my life.
My life is moving along exactly as it should.
Great things come into my life every day.
I adorn my life with unlimited optimism and enthusiasm.
I always expect good things to happen in my life.
I always expect the best.
I always focus on the present positive.
I always look for the humor in negative situations.
I always look on the bright side of things.
I always remain positive and optimistic no matter what happens.
I always walk on the sunny side of the street.
I am an optimist through and through.
I am cheerful and optimistic in all situations.
I am looking forward to an fantastic future.
I am optimism personified.
I am positive and optimistic at all times.
I am the embodiment of optimism.
I am the human personification of spring.
I am totally ecstatic about life.
I am unstoppable.
I am very excited to see what the world will bring me today.
I apply great optimism to everything I experience in life.
I approach every situation with optimism and understanding.
I become all that I can be by living each moment of my life with total optimism.
I carry optimism with me wherever I go.
I choose to see the world through rose-coloured glasses.
I easily maintain a positive frame of mind throughout my day.
I expect great things to happen today.
I expect miracles to appear in my life.
I expect the best at all times.
I expect things to go right in my life.
I face my challenges with optimism and enthusiasm.
I feel incredibly optimistic about my future.
I focus on the best, strive for the best, and expect the best.
I greet each new experience in life with positive expectations.
I have a open and positive mindset.
I have a positive outlook on life.
I have everything I need to enjoy life here and now.
I have the power to see everything in its best light.
I keep my sense of humor in all situations.
I know that today is going to be a great day.
I know that when I think optimistically about what I want, it moves towards me.
I look for the good in everything that happens.
I love confusing negativism with abundant optimism.
I lovingly protect my optimism with thoughts of joy and peace.
I maintain a optimistic outlook throughout my day.
I maintain a positive outlook at all times.
I make good things happen.
I only expect positive experiences in my life.
I only see the positive in the people I meet.
I only share positive stories with others.
I only share positive, uplifting words with others.
I perceive the world with optimism and understanding.
I radiate optimism in every situation.
I see all the good in life.
I see the silver lining of every cloud I encounter.
I sustain my optimism in all circumstances.
I take the world with a generous helping of optimism.
I view every situation I encounter with perfect optimism.
I walk the high road of happiness and abundance.
I welcome life’s experiences for the valuable lessons they provide.
In all that I experience, I shift my awareness to the positive.
It is my greatest desire to live each and every day with unlimited optimism.
Life is grand!
Life is one empowering experience after another.
Miracles appear before me every day.
Miracles happen in my life every day.
My glass is always more than half full.
My life is a beautiful masterpiece and I am the artist.
My life is a magical adventure every day.
My life is filled with love and beauty.
My life is progressing exactly as planned.
My optimism shields me from all negative thoughts.
My path is forever illuminated by my endless optimism.
My positive attitude takes form in the physical world.
My positive perspective is supported by a healthy sense of humor.
My spirit is playful.
My world is absolutely perfect in every way.
Optimism is a habit that I nurture every day.
There are wondrous things happening in my life every day.
Things are looking up for me.
Things have an amazing way of always working out in my favor.
This is my best year yet.
Today I bless my being with infinite optimism.
Today I discover something new and wonderful.
Today I welcome endless possibilities into my life.
Today is a perfect day!
Today surprises me in many wonderful ways.
With every breath I take, I am bringing greater and greater optimism into my life.
Wonderful new experiences await me today.
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