EMOTION Affirmations

EMOTION Affirmations

Affirmations similar to EMOTION - LOVE, GRATITUDE
Affirmations by

All of my feelings are nothing more than the result of my current beliefs.

All of my feelings provide invaluable insights about my current beliefs.

Because I feel great, I know that my thoughts are in alignment with my desires.

Because I feel great, I know that my beliefs are in alignment with my goals.

Every day I become more and more aware of my emotions.

Every day I experience the positive feelings that visualization brings.

Every day I practice feeling the positive emotions of success.

Every emotion I experience brings me great self-awareness.

Finding humor in drama makes me better able to rise above it.

I accept all my emotions, but keep and sustain only the positive ones.

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I acknowledge all my emotions, but only hold on to those which elevate my being.

I acknowledge all of my emotions, but only preserve those which are positive.

I acknowledge and accept all of my emotions for the insights they provide.

I acknowledge my feelings and welcome the lessons they bring.

I allow five minutes per day for worrying; then I forget about it and enjoy life.

I allow myself to express my feelings when appropriate and healthy.

I always keep unwanted negative emotions in check.

I always seek the best emotion for every experience in my life.

I am calm and relaxed in the presence of all people.

I am cheerful and calm in all situations.

I am completely composed at all times.

I am gaining emotional balance more and more each day.

I am honest with my feelings.

I am always in control of my emotions.

I am in command of my emotional responses.

I am in complete control of my reactions to life.

I am in complete control of the thoughts and beliefs from which my feelings arise.

I am in total control of my emotions at all times.

I am in touch with my feelings and nurture those which elevate my being.

I am in tune with the feelings of others.

I am mentally and emotionally balanced at all times.

I am sensitive to the feelings of others.

I am the master of my emotions.

I am totally free to determine my response to every situation in my life.

I am totally in control of how I react in all situations.

I carefully monitor and direct all my emotions and reactions.

I choose positive emotions at every opportunity.

I control my emotions, and only keep those that are positive and empowering.

I create my own feelings by the thoughts I choose to think.

I decide how to react to the events in my life.

I do not allow myself to be affected by the negative outbursts of others.

I easily allow my true feelings to guide me.

I easily elevate my emotional state by focusing on the positives in my life.

I easily elevate my emotional state by revisiting the happy moments in my life.

I easily express my feelings - even when they differ from others.

I easily express my feelings when required.

I enjoy being conscious of my emotions.

I ensure that all my emotions are appropriate for each situation I encounter.

I exercise positive thinking and positive feeling every day.

I express my feelings with ease and grace.

I find it easier and easier to recognize the root causes of my emotions.

I focus my energy on peaceful, positive emotions.

I have the power to change my emotions at will.

I easily change negative feelings into positive ones.

I focus on peaceful thoughts.

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I focus on thoughts that bring me composure and happiness.

I give myself permission to experience my feelings.

I direct my feelings to be as empowering as possible.

I handle all situations with calm composure.

I handle whatever comes my way with calm reserve.

I have a healthy outlet for my emotional well-being.

I have complete control over my inner images, dialogues, and feelings.

I honour my feelings for what they teach me about myself.

I improve my emotional life by examining and improving my personal beliefs.

I keep a level head and consider all things with calm reflection.

I keep my cool in all situations.

I maintain cool composure in all situations.

I keep my cool under pressure.

I know that I control my emotions and always have the power to choose positive ones.

I know that my beliefs are the root cause of all my emotional reactions.

I know that my thoughts determine my emotional well-being.

I know that my thoughts determine my state of mind.

I let my positive beliefs and thinking guide me to positive emotions.

I love and respect my feelings.

I love being in control of my feelings.

I love my emotions! They tell me when I am veering off my chosen path.

I master my emotions by changing my thoughts.

I monitor my moods at all times.

I own my feelings and appreciate them for the awareness they bring.

I practice elevating my emotions whenever I can.

I practice raising my emotions at every opportunity.

I practice feeling positive emotions every day.

I relax and allow myself to feel all the positive things that life has to offer.

I release all anger through appropriate physical exercise.

I release my sadness by allowing my tears to fall.

I replace anger with understanding.

I sympathize with other people's feelings.

I take full responsibility for my feelings and actions.

I think before I react.

I use the energy of negative emotions to drive me towards my goals.

I value all of my feelings but only hold on to those that serve me best.

I wear blinkers when others let their emotions get out of control.

I welcome all of my emotions, but only hold on to those that make me feel good.

I welcome the lessons my feelings provide.

It is easy for me to experience my feelings and learn the lessons they provide.

I am in complete control of my reactions to life.

My constant positive thoughts keep my emotions light and high.

My emotions are always appropriate for each situation.

My emotions are calm and positive.

My emotions become warmer and lighter every day.

My emotions serve me well.

My feelings are always positive and empowering.

My feelings are beautiful and guide me well.

My feelings are nothing more than the result of my thinking.

My feelings are nothing more than the result of my inner beliefs.

My emotions let me know when my beliefs are out of balance.

My moods are always positive and uplifting.

My negative emotions tell me when I am veering off my chosen path.

My positive mood is totally resistant to the emotional outbursts of other.

My positive thoughts protect me from the emotional explosions of others.

New wisdom is revealed in every emotion I experience.

No one can make me feel other than what I allow myself to feel.

Releasing negative emotions gives me more time and energy to spend on what I enjoy.

The emotional rantings of others never affect my positive mood.

The more I study my emotions, the lighter they become.

What happens in my life is unimportant… it’s how I handle it that matters.

When I encounter anger, I react with patience and love.

When negative feelings arise, I chase them away with positive thoughts.

When people tell me their feelings, I listen with compassion and understanding.

Whenever I encounter anger, I respond with love.

Whenever I feel down, I lift my spirits by thinking happy thoughts.

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