Affirmations similar to CHANGE - ACCEPTANCE, COURAGE, GOALS
Affirmations by Che Garman
All changes in my life are positive and empowering.
All changes in my life are of my own creation.
All of the changes in my life are positive and empowering.
All things in life change, and I adapt willingly and easily.
Change allows me to experience my true nature.
Change energizes me.
Change helps me to grow.
Change is a wonderful learning experience for me.
Change is exciting and I welcome it into my life.
Changes in my life always empower me.
Each and every day I stretch my comfort zone a bit further.
Each day I do one new thing to improve the quality of my life.
Each day I stretch my comfort zone a bit further.
Every day I am evolving into a more fulfilled person.
Every day I am transforming myself into a more positive being.
Every day I attract people who help me grow.
Every day I make new and positive changes in my life.
Every day I stretch my comfort zone a little further.
Every day I stretch my comfort zone by doing one thing different.
Every day my life changes in positive, exhilarating ways.
Every day my life is changing for the better.
Every moment in my life I see new wonderful opportunities for change.
I accept change as a positive force in life.
I accept change in others as a positive sign.
I adapt easily to the changes in my life.
I adapt well to the changes in my life.
I adjust my life to allow for those changes around me.
I adjust to all changes in life easily and effortlessly.
I am always ready for the inevitable changes that life brings.
I am always willing to try new things.
I am becoming everything I want to be.
I am creating a better world for myself and everyone around me.
I am eager to make positive changes in my life.
I am excited by the person I see myself becoming.
I am flexible and handle change with grace.
I am flexible and open to change at all times.
I am forever evolving into a better and happier person.
I am learning to change and grow.
I am open to all opportunities for positive change today.
I am open to infinite possibilities.
I am open to new experiences.
I am open to new ways of doing things.
I am open to positive changes in my life today.
I am open to trying new ways of doing things.
I am ready and willing to give it a try.
I am ready to challenge the direction of my life.
I am ready to change my life forever.
I am transforming my self-image by changing my beliefs and actions.
I am transforming myself into the person I dream of becoming.
I am very proud of myself for all the positive changes I am making in my life.
I am willing to become the change I want to see in the world.
I am willing to change and grow.
I am willing to see things in a new way.
I am willing to step into the unknown.
I believe that all change is good.
I believe that change is both positive and necessary.
I believe that change is even better than rest.
I can easily handle all changes in my life.
I can’t wait to try something new.
I challenge my ego’s comfort zone every day.
I challenge my ego’s complacency by regularly changing my routine.
I change my destiny by changing my thoughts.
I change my life by changing my perspective.
I change the world around me by changing myself.
I completely trust the changes in my life.
I create a happier life by adapting to the changing world around me.
I easily adapt to all situations.
I easily keep up with the times.
I embrace change.
I embrace new ways of thinking.
I embrace the changes I feel taking place in my life.
I encourage positive change in others.
I enjoy creating a new, more empowered me.
I enjoy trying new ways of doing things.
I ensure that I change myself when the need arises.
I handle all change that comes my way with grace and ease.
I have the ability to change my life for the better.
I have the ability to change my life with my thoughts and beliefs.
I have within me the power to change the course of my life.
I ignore those things which are beyond my control to change.
I keep my ego in check by regularly changing my routine.
I know I can change my life for the better.
I know I can change the course of my life.
I know that all change requires action.
I know that each moment I am moving closer to the my perfect self-image.
I know that I change the world around me by changing myself.
I know that I possess the power to change my reality.
I know that my desire for change is healthy and empowering.
I know that my life will only change when I change myself.
I know that to change my life I must change my thoughts and my habits.
I let go of all resistance to trying new things.
I love exploring new surroundings.
I love learning new things.
I love the positive changes in my life.
I love the positive changes that are happening in my life every day.
I love trying new things.
I make room in my life for what I do want by giving away what I no longer need.
I regularly de-clutter my life to make room for what I want more of.
I regularly rearrange my environment, because I know that change is growth.
I renew my spirit by regularly trying new things.
I see change as an exciting opportunity to expand my being.
I stretch my ego’s comfort zone in all that I do.
I transform my life by keeping myself in the know.
I welcome all changes in my life.
I welcome change because change is growth.
I welcome change into my life.
I welcome the unknown into my life.
I willingly embrace all positive changes in my life.
I willingly embrace change.
I willingly give away all those things that are no longer a part of my future vision.
My life changes as I change myself.
My life changes rapidly and I easily manage to maintain equilibrium.
My life is full of empowering transformations.
My whole being is changing for the better.
The power to change and evolve lies within me.
The time has come, and I am ready to change.
Today I am attracting all that I need to change my life.
The power to change my life is always mine.
Today I am changing my life for the better!
Today I choose a new beginning for my life.
Today I close the door on yesterday, and begin building a new tomorrow.
With every breath I take, I am growing more and more empowered.
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