Affirmations similar to RELEASING - ACCEPTANCE, FREEDOM
Affirmations by Che Garman
As I forgive others, I find I appreciate them more.
By forgiving myself and others I set myself free.
By recalling all the loving memories I have of my departed, I elevate my being from grief to joy.
By releasing the past, I allow myself to move onward and upward.
Every day I am letting go of everything that has been holding me back.
Every day I ensure that I move away from the past.
Forgiveness comes naturally to me.
Forgiveness has given me back my freedom.
Forgiving others brings immense emotional freedom.
Forgiving others makes me feel incredibly free.
I abandon all notions of prejudice and love everyone equally.
I acknowledge that all my memories, good and bad, are my own creation.
I allow myself to experience my feelings, and release all those which are negative.
I allow only good memories to inhabit the present.
I am breaking down the barriers in my life, one by one.
I am dissolving all blocks to achieving my goals.
I am forgiving of myself and others.
I am now beyond my past.
I am now free to move forward in my life.
I am now living my life without regret because I cherish the present.
I am righting all the wrongs in my life.
I am willing to let go of my past and take the next step towards a better future.
I apologize to myself for living in the past.
I begin every day with forgiveness and live every day with love.
I choose to forgive all others in my life, and they forgive me.
I choose to let go of the past, and embrace the present moment.
I clear my grief with cleansing tears.
I discard all excuses for letting life happen to me.
I eagerly release all hurt, anger and resentment from my life.
I easily and readily forgive myself and others.
I easily let go of all disempowering beliefs.
I easily let go of all negative memories.
I easily relax and let go of all the negatives in my life.
I easily release anything that keeps me from experiencing joy in my life.
I easily release sadness with tears.
I empower my life by forgiving and releasing.
I feel the immense joy of being free from …
I fondly remember all the happy moments in my life, and willingly release all sadness and pain.
I forgive all people in my life, including myself.
I forgive and forget easily because I know that nobody is perfect.
I forgive and forget, and set my spirit free.
I forgive and forget the past and welcome the present.
I forgive myself for all ill feelings I have harbored in the past.
I forgive myself for every unkind thing I have done in the past.
I forgive myself for every unkind word I have said in the past.
I forgive myself for not being perfect.
I forgive myself totally and unconditionally.
I forgive, forget, and move forward.
I freely release the need to be …
I happily let go of all the things I no longer need in my life.
I happily let go of thoughts that pull me out of the present moment.
I know that by releasing the past, I heal my pain.
I know that no one is perfect, so I forgive all people freely.
I know that when I forgive myself, it is much easier to forgive others.
I let go and allow the Universe to guide me.
I let go and move on.
I let go of all excuses for living in the past.
I let go of all excuses for living on autopilot.
I let go of all judgments.
I let go of all those things I no longer need.
I liberate all past conflicts from my life.
I love myself unconditionally, mistakes and all.
I love the emotional freedom that forgiveness brings.
I lovingly release my past fear of …
I lovingly release …
I lovingly release myself from my own past.
I move out of the past into the present.
I now accept and let go of my need to …
I now completely release my being from …
I now dump all past concerns down the drain.
I now liberate all past hurts from my life.
I now release all the negatives from my past.
I now release every negative experience from my past, and live every day in total happiness.
I now release myself from feelings of …
I now release the habit of putting off unpleasant tasks.
I now release with ease all my old negative beliefs.
I quickly dissolve all negative thoughts that limit my potential.
I quickly release all emotions that impede my progress.
I quickly release all unpleasant memories from my life.
I readily and willingly release all negative memories from my mind.
I readily discharge all fears and completely trust in the process of life.
I relax and let go of all that I no longer want in my life.
I release all expectations of others, and concentrate on my own path.
I release all negative energy from my mind and body.
I release the need to blame anyone, including myself.
I relinquish all attachment to past pain.
I release all old ways of thinking and eagerly welcome new ones.
I release all past issues from my life.
I release all past pain, and welcome new space and freedom in my life.
I release all resentment and now see things from an enlightened perspective.
I release all tension from my body by releasing stressful thoughts.
I release all thoughts of embarrassment, and instead welcome the lessons my mistakes offer.
I release my need to be perfect.
I release the need for this in my life.
I release the need to prove myself to others.
I release the past and live for today.
I release the past and rejoice in the present.
I relinquish all negative emotions as soon as they arise.
I relinquish all hold on limiting beliefs.
I set all negative memories free and bid them a fond farewell.
I set my limitations free and start today with unlimited potential.
I set myself free by forgiving and forgetting the past.
I thank myself for letting go and living in the present.
I thank myself for letting go of …
I toss all past concerns to the wind and breath easy and free in the present.
I totally forgive myself for all the negative words I have said to myself in the past.
I totally forgive myself for all the things I have done and said to others in my past.
I totally forgive others for all the things they have said or done to me in the past.
I willingly and readily forgive ...
I willingly and readily release old negative beliefs.
I willingly let go of all negative memories from my past.
I willingly let go of all worries, and put my trust in the process of life.
I willingly let go of everyone and everything that is holding me back.
I willingly release all beliefs that are in conflict with my desires.
I willingly release all negatives from my past.
I willingly release all old beliefs, and actively create new supportive ones.
I willingly release all past beliefs which hinder my progress.
I willingly release all ‘should haves’, ‘could haves’ and ‘would haves’ from my vocabulary.
I willingly release all the stresses I create in my life.
I willingly release any need for struggle or suffering.
I willingly release the past and turn my attention to the present moment.
I willingly release the burden of …
I willingly relinquish every thought that might impair my health.
If a thought or belief does not serve me, I let it go.
It is now easy for me to let go of my past.
My life is pain-free because I have liberated all past hurts.
My life is too precious to let it get stuck in the past.
My loved one is always with me in spirit, and this thought warms my heart.
My loved one is now one with the Universal Force.
My past is in the past. I focus is in the present.
The more I forgive, the more my heart opens to love.
The past has no power over my life. I call the shots now.
There is no room in my life for anger, bitterness, resentment, or guilt.
Today and every day I forgive myself and all others.
Today I am breaking out of old patterns and rewriting old programs.
Today I empower my life by setting my worries free.
Today I free myself from the shadows of my past.
Today I free myself from the skeletons of my past.
Today I leave behind my need to …
Today I let go of the need to...
Today I release all those things I cannot change.
Today I toss all worries out the window.
Today I willingly let go of all resistance to achieving my goals.
Today I willingly release the need to...
When I shower, I let all worries and anxieties wash down the drain.