ABUNDANCE affirmations

abundance affirmations

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A constant stream of abundance flows towards me.

Abundance and prosperity are my birthright and I accept both with open arms.

Abundance comes into my life easily.

Abundance comes to me effortlessly and naturally.

Abundance forever flows towards me.

All good things are now flowing into my life.

All my needs are being met every day.

All the abundance of the universe already exists within me.

By my example, I inspire others to live a more abundant life.

Every action I take moves me towards greater abundance.

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Every day I am becoming more and more open to receiving the great abundance of the universe.

Every day I discover new ways to experience wealth and abundance.

Every day I give thanks for the abundance in my life.

Every day I invite greater abundance into my life.

Every positive thought I have returns greater abundance in my life.

Everywhere I go, I see the wondrous abundance life has to offer.

Great abundance is coming into my life right now.

I accept that abundance is my natural state of being.

I allow abundance to flow freely in all areas of my life.

I allow great abundance to flow in all areas of my life.

I always have more than enough of everything I need.

I always think and speak in terms of unlimited abundance.

I always think in terms of increasing wealth and abundance.

I am a powerful abundance magnet.

I am abundantly provided for as I follow my heart’s desire.

I am always supplied with whatever I need, whenever I need it.

I am an open channel for abundance and joy.

I am an open channel for receiving limitless abundance.

I am consciously in tune with the abundance around me.

I am entitled to a life of joy and abundance.

I am entitled to receive great abundance in my life.

I am forever aligned to the limitless abundance of the universe.

I am forever connected to the unlimited abundance of the universe.

I am now an open channel for all the richness life has to offer.

I am now attracting unlimited abundance for myself and my family.

I am now creating unlimited abundance in all areas of my life.

I am now developing all my skills and talents to create unlimited abundance in my life.

I am now prepared to receive all the abundance life has to offer.

I am now surrounded by infinite abundance.

I am open to receiving the abundance of life.

I am open to receiving all the richness of life.

I am surrounded by infinite supply.

I am surrounded by riches and abundance.

I am worthy of abundance in my life.

I appreciate the riches of life that are always available to me.

I believe in the eternal, boundless abundance of the universe.

I believe that vast abundance is coming into my life right now.

I choose to see a world of abundance and unlimited potential.

I create abundance and happiness in my life, and in the lives of those around me.

I create unlimited abundance in my life.

I deserve a share in the boundless abundance of the Universe.

I deserve to receive great abundance in my life.

I effortlessly receive the positive abundance of life and share my gifts with others.

I enjoy a constant flow of abundance in my life.

I enjoy over-flowing abundance in my life.

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I give thanks for the abundance in my life.

I gratefully accept and appreciate the over-flowing abundance in my life.

I happily accept the wealth and abundance that is inherently mine.

I have an abundant supply of everything I could ever need.

I inspire abundant thinking in others.

I joyfully open myself to great happiness and abundance.

I know that the universe is infinitely abundant.

I know that there is more than enough to go around.

I live in a rich and abundant universe.

I mentally and emotionally welcome abundance into my life.

I move forward with an expectancy of great abundance in my life.

I naturally attract divine abundance into my life.

I now have all the resources I need to create unlimited wealth and abundance in my life.

I now have prosperity and abundance in all areas of my life.

I now have surplus in all areas of my life.

I open my life to all the abundance the universe has to offer.

I readily accept the abundance that is my birthright.

I receive more abundance each day than I could ever have imagined.

I rejoice in the prospect of unlimited abundance and prosperity.

I release all notions of lack & limitation from my mind, & instead focus my thoughts on abundance & prosperity.

I resonate in harmony with the vibration of abundance and success.

I see my life as it is meant to be - abundant and prosperous.

I see my life as it is meant to be – abundant and vital.

I teach others how to create great abundance for themselves and others.

I welcome abundance into all areas of my life.

I welcome the abundance that the universe offers this day.

Infinite abundance follows me wherever I go.

It gives me great joy to see the great abundance the world has to offer.

It is my greatest desire to live each and every day in limitless abundance.

It is perfectly alright for me to expect an abundant life.

Living in abundance is one of the top priorities in my life, and I practice this feeling every day.

My desire for a richer, fuller, more abundant life is now my daily reality.

My life is abundant in every way.

My life is surrounded with richness.

My life overflows with abundance.

My mind and my heart gravitate towards abundant living.

My most dominant belief is that I deserve to live a life of great abundance.

My most predominant thoughts are those of abundance for all.

Releasing my desires to the universe brings abundance and freedom into my life.

The abundance of the universe flows into this world through me.

The doors to abundance are wide open for me and for everyone.

The universe is abundant, and so I am abundant too.

The universe provides whatever abundance is appropriate for me.

The unlimited abundance of the universe flows into my life every day.

There is a constant stream of abundance in my life.

There is a continuous stream of wealth and abundance in my life.

There is great abundance in all areas of my life.

There is growing abundance in every area of my life.

There is immense abundance in all areas of my life.

There is infinite supply in all areas of my life.

There is unlimited abundance in all aspects of my life.

Through the exchange of wealth, I increase the abundance of others every day.

Today I bless my being with limitless abundance.

Today I reclaim the abundance that is my universal right.

Today I see and feel the great abundance life has to offer.

Today I reclaim the abundance that is my right.

With every breath I take, I am bringing more and more abundance into my life.

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