ACCEPTANCE affirmations

ACCEPTANCE affirmations

Affirmations similar to ACCEPTANCE - RELEASING
Affirmations by

Day by day I am learning to trust the flow of life.

Everything in my life depends on me.

I accept 100% responsibility for everything in my life.

I accept all comments I receive as compliments.

I accept all things as they are.

I accept and appreciate my current situation.

I accept and appreciate the reality I have created for myself.

I accept and release everything in my life that is beyond my power to change.

I accept apologies with compassion.

I accept complete responsibility for everything in my life.

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I accept complete responsibility for my actions.

I accept complete responsibility for my attitude.

I accept complete responsibility for my beliefs.

I accept complete responsibility for my emotions.

I accept complete responsibility for my thoughts.

I accept financial abundance in my life right now.

I accept life as a delightful experience.

I accept life without judgment or criticism.

I accept myself completely and unconditionally.

I accept myself totally.

I accept only positive possibilities.

I accept other people's realities as being as valid as my own.

I accept others as they are, and they accept me as I am.

I accept others as they are, without trying to change them.

I accept others exactly as they are.

I accept that all things are possible with intent and belief.

I accept the decisions of others, and realize that it is their right to make their own choices.

I accept the world the way it is.

I accept total responsibility for all of my words and actions.

I accept total responsibility for my actions, emotions, thoughts and beliefs.

I accept total responsibility for my current reality, and work daily to improve it.

I accept total responsibility for the consequences of my words and actions.

I accept who I am now, and look forward to becoming even better.

I acknowledge and accept endless possibilities for my life.

I acknowledge and accept my needs and actively seek to fulfill them.

I allow my mind to accept and enjoy all that is good and positive in my life.

I allow myself to learn from all the relationships I have allowed into my life.

I am at peace with the community of man.

I am at peace with the reality of physical death.

I am learning to accept others as they are.

I am learning to accept the small pleasures of life as and when they happen.

I am open to receive all good things into my life.

I am open to receive all the abundance the world has to offer.

I am open to the gifts of the universe.

I am totally at peace with my past.

I celebrate my wins and accept my losses with equal appreciation.

I choose to experience this moment, just as it is.

I choose to feel good about myself.

I commit myself to developing the highest level of acceptance in my life.

I completely accept myself as I am right now, and accept the responsibility to improve myself every day.

I easily accept the generosity of others.

I easily and graciously accept compliments.

I express my love for humanity by accepting it as it is.

I give myself permission to be powerful.

I happily accept that which is for my highest good.

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I happily accept the things about me that I cannot change.

I know that I am good enough to have the life I want.

I know that I belong right here, right now.

I know that perfection is a pipe dream, and that just being myself is more than enough.

I love and accept myself as I am right now.

I love people as they are... with all their faults and failings.

I now assume mental ownership of all the objects I need and desire.

I only have to accept universal well-being to receive it.

I recognize and accept my whole being – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

I release all notions of controlling those things which are beyond my control.

I relax and allow the universe to give me what I want and need.

I run my own life, and let others run theirs.

I see the world through eyes of love and acceptance.

I take full responsibility for making the most of my life.

I totally accept myself and all others.

I totally accept those things beyond my control.

I trust the flow and processes of my life.

I unconditionally accept everyone I meet as they are.

I unconditionally accept the chosen reality of others.

I willingly accept those things which are beyond my power to control.

I willingly let go of trying to control every tiny detail, and let peace and acceptance guide my life.

It is alright to have my own beliefs.

It is easy for me to accept those things which I need.

It is my greatest desire to live each and every day with complete acceptance.

Life is okay the way it is right now.

My heart and mind are open to the unlimited possibilities of the universe.

My mind is open to all possibilities.

My mind is open to receive all the gifts of the universe.

The universe accepts me just as I am.

Through total acceptance, I allow myself to reach my highest potential.

Today I willingly release the need to control the world around me.

With love and acceptance, I easily change and grow.

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