Affirmations similar to HOME - FAMILY
Affirmations by Che Garman
All who visit our home feel immediately welcome and at peace.
Each and every day I simplify my world a little more.
Each day I de-clutter one more area of my life.
Every day I do something to make my surroundings more comfortable.
Every square inch of my home makes me feel at ease.
I absolutely love my new flat!
I adorn my environment with fresh flowers.
I am actively seeking the perfect home for me and my family.
I am building the home of my dreams.
I am completely at ease in my new home.
I am creating a harmonious environment for myself and those I love.
I am creating an environment that motivates and inspires me.
I am creating the home of my dreams.
I am designing and building the home of my dreams.
I am living in an environment that supports my goals in every way.
I am now living in my new dream home.
I am so excited to be moving into my own apartment.
I am totally at peace in my surroundings.
I am very content and comfortable with my surroundings.
I beautify my life by simplifying my surroundings.
I clean my home so that my mind can be clear and inspired.
I create a comfy home for my family.
I create a happy place to live.
I create an environment of serenity and order.
I create an environment that supports my desire for success.
I create and maintain an inspiring work environment at home.
I de-clutter my home on a weekly basis.
I decorate my environment with inspiring things.
I decorate my home with beautiful works of nature.
I enjoy keeping my home clean and orderly.
I feel totally in harmony with my surroundings and with the people in my life.
I fill my day with the scents and sounds that bring me joy.
I fill my home with the uplifting scent of fresh flowers.
I have a beautiful and serene home.
I have a private sanctuary for regeneration and meditation.
I have a quiet space where I can go to meditate and reflect.
I have a sanctuary in my home, just for me.
I have found the most amazing apartment.
I have found the most amazing home for our family.
I have the perfect apartment for me.
I keep my home and workplace clean and tidy.
I keep my office tidy and organized, and my mind follows suit.
I keep my workplace tidy and organized, so my mind can be more focused.
I like the area in which I live and work.
I live in a great neighborhood.
I live in a relaxing, inspiring environment.
I love keeping my home in perfect repair.
I love my new apartment!
I love my new home and neighborhood.
I love our new house.
I love the neighborhood I live in.
I organize my surroundings so my mind can be more focused.
I simplify my life by only holding on to those things which empower me.
I spend time each day simplifying my surroundings.
I surround my life with beauty.
I surround myself with objects of beauty.
I surround myself with objects that bring me joy.
I surround myself with things that bring me joy.
I take care of my home with great respect and love.
I treat my home as the sanctuary it is.
My apartment is absolutely perfect for me.
My dream home is an architectural wonder and an environmental inspiration.
My environment encourages my goals in every way.
My environment is clutter free.
My environment is neat and orderly.
My environment is organized and comforting.
My environment is peaceful and inspiring.
My environment is pure and rejuvenating.
My home and work environments are fresh and inspiring.
My home décor suits my personality perfectly.
My home has every luxury.
My home is a haven to all who visit.
My home is a sanctuary of joy and peace.
My home is a warm and comforting sanctuary.
My home is clean and orderly.
My home is decorated with objects that bring me joy.
My home is filled with happy memories and cherished treasures.
My home is filled with love and peace.
My home is filled with loving energy.
My home is filled with peace and happiness.
My home is fresh and organized, so my mind is free to think and create.
My home is full of peace and joy.
My home is peaceful and harmonious.
My home is spacious and modern.
My home is the epitome of beauty and function.
My home is well cared for.
My home reflects my love for life.
My house has a beautiful view that I enjoy.
My living arrangements suit me perfectly.
My office is clean and tidy, so my mind is free to think and create.
My office is well organized and free from distractions.
My work space is organized and inspiring.
Our beautiful new home is coming into our life any day now.
Our bedroom is filled with loving energy.
Our family has found the perfect getaway retreat.
Our home is completely clutter-free.
Our home is radiant with warm, inviting energy.
Our home renovations are under budget and ahead of schedule.
Our home sells quickly and for an excellent price.
We are now living in the home of our dreams.
We live in a beautiful, safe and friendly neighborhood.
With every breath I take, I am bringing more and more order into my life.
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