Affirmations similar to HEALTHY EATING - HEALTH and WELL-BEING
Affirmations by Che Garman
Controlling my appetite is easy for me now.
Eating healthy foods makes me look and feel better.
Every day I become a more nutrition-conscious cook.
Every day I get closer to my idea weight.
Everything I do moves me to closer health.
Everything I eat helps to make my body strong and healthy.
Feelings of confidence and comfort come from my thoughts, not from food.
Healthy foods help my brain think with greater clarity.
I always choose the most nutritional foods.
I always eat healthy foods when I’m at work.
I always ensure that I get my 5-a-day every day!
I always savor the flavor when eating.
I am always open to trying new health-giving foods.
I am effortlessly maintaining my perfect body weight.
I am forever grateful for the abundance of nourishing foods I have to choose from.
I am getting closer to my perfect weight every day.
I am in total control of my cravings and only indulge those that are healthy.
I am maintaining my ideal body weight easily and effortlessly now.
I am my ideal weight of…
I am only interested in eating nutrition-rich foods.
I am open to trying new foods.
I am so excited that I now weigh…
I am thankful for the bounty of health-giving food that nature provides.
I am what I eat; I therefore only eat the very best.
I buy more raw foods and leave the packaged foodstuffs at the store.
I buy only the most nutritious, health-giving foods.
I choose to eat healthy meals every day.
I choose to eat smaller portions at every meal.
I control my weight through healthy eating and regular exercise.
I digest my food with ease and efficiency.
I do everything I need to do to achieve my healthy weight.
I do everything necessary to maintain a healthy weight.
I drink eight glasses of fresh spring water every day.
I drink plenty of water to stay healthy and hydrated.
I easily let go of all unhealthy eating habits.
I easily let go of unhealthy food cravings.
I easily maintain my ideal weight of….
I easily maintain my perfect weight.
I easily resist all temptation to eat empty foods.
I eat a healthy and balanced diet.
I eat a well balanced diet of health-sustaining foods.
I eat all the right foods for optimum health and energy.
I eat exactly the right amount of food for my body’s needs.
I eat health giving fruits and vegetables every day.
I eat healthy and nutritious foods at every meal.
I eat healthy foods and enjoy regular exercise.
I eat healthy foods that are good for my body.
I eat light and feel light.
I eat moderate proportions of healthy, nutritious foods.
I eat my food slowly, chewing each bite thoroughly and savouring it’s wonderful flavour.
I eat only when necessary.
I eat six small, healthy meals every day.
I eat slowly and mindfully.
I eat slowly and savor every bite.
I eat the right foods in the right amounts.
I eat to live, not live to eat.
I eat what is best for my health and well-being.
I effortlessly maintain my ideal weight.
I effortlessly remove fat from my body by eating only fat-free foods.
I enjoy eating balanced, nutritious meals.
I enjoy eating foods that my body needs to be healthy.
I enjoy eating smaller portions and taking the time to appreciate the taste.
I enjoy the taste of fresh fruits and vegetables.
I ensure that I only eat the most health-giving foods.
I ensure that my body receives all the vitamins and nutrients it needs.
I ensure that my calorie intake does not surpass my calorie expenditure.
I feed my body healthy nutritious food.
I feel a great sense of self-respect when I feed myself healthy, nutritious foods.
I find it very easy to maintain my ideal weight.
I get closer to my perfect weight every day.
I help my body do its job by keeping fit and eating right.
I honor my body and pay close attention to its needs.
I keep my meal portions small and nutritious.
I listen to my body and heed its needs.
I look and feel lighter today.
I love eating food that is good for me.
I love eating foods that are good for my body.
I love eating foods that make me healthier.
I love eating health-giving fruits and vegetables.
I love eating healthy raw foods.
I love eating nutritious, health-empowering food.
I love eating salads.
I love my body and treat it with total respect.
I love myself and therefore choose to watch what I eat.
I love preparing nutritious, health-empowering meals for my family.
I monitor my eating habits and ensure that I only consume health-giving foods.
I now eat lots of fresh, healthy fruits and vegetables.
I only choose to put healthy things into my body.
I only consume healthy, nutritious foods.
I only crave those things that are health-giving.
I only eat foods that afford my body optimum health.
I only eat foods that are barcode-free!
I only eat foods that energize my body and mind.
I only eat healthy foods in healthy amounts.
I only eat healthy, empowering foods.
I only eat the foods that sustain my well-being.
I only eat when I am hungry.
I only feed my body with the healthiest foods.
I only fuel my body with nutritious, health-promoting foods.
I only put healthy things into my body.
I prefer to eat meals that support my health and well-being.
I really enjoy eating less and eating better.
I remember to put smaller portions of food on my plate.
I resist all temptations to eat calorie-rich desserts.
I resist all temptations to eat fatty foods.
I resist all temptations to eat unhealthy, junk foods.
I shrink my appetite to a healthy size by eating a little less every day.
I stay healthy by eating healthy.
I stop eating before feeling full.
I strive to avoid foods that upset my well-being.
I take good care of my body by eating correctly.
I train my subconscious mind to crave only those foods which nourish my body.
I use food to build and maintain my body, not to satisfy unwanted habits.
My body is my temple, and I treat it accordingly.
My body is perfect because I only eat perfect foods.
My body metabolizes food very quickly.
My body thanks me for eating healthy, nutritious foods.
My calorie intake is on target for my age, sex and build.
My metabolism continuously keeps me fit and trim.
Nothing unhealthy goes into my body.
The healthier I eat, the better I feel.
Water is my favorite beverage!
When I’m comfortably full, I stop eating.
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